Friday 23 May 2008

Life on the Other Side of the Editor's Desk

Bless me bloggers for I have sinned. It has been almost a week since my last post. This is because I've been very busy. Not only am I working away on my novel and a couple of articles, but I have taken on a job as editor of a new online publication called Reader's Eden Ezine. It's an extension of the old newsletter for Reader's Eden, a distributor of small press and electronic books. The first issue comes out in June, featuring an author interview and short stories. If you're interested in submitting, check out the submission guidelines here.

I'm already getting submissions, and it's been a learning experience sitting on the other side of the editor's desk. Also, I'm looking forward to the challenge. We can't afford to pay authors at the moment, we have no name recognition, very little budget, and lots of competition. I hope to make a name for the ezine by offering stories that bend or break genre boundaries, ones that tweak the reader's perceptions. The kind of stories I talked about in my last post.

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Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.