Sunday 19 January 2014

My next work in progress: Trench Raiders

Right now I'm busy with preparations for releasing Radio Hope on February 1 and the accompanying virtual book tour. I'm also writing the sequel--Book Two in the Toxic World series, Refugees from the Righteous Horde.

After that, I'll be starting another series, Trench Raiders. These will be action books set in World War One along the lines of Jack Badelaire's excellent Commando series of WWII books. It follows a group of British soldiers as they become a crack trench raiding unit. The first book takes place at the Battle of Aisne in September 1914, the first time that the British Expeditionary Force faced German trenches.

As you might expect, the British got slaughtered, and this is where our heroes come in. They realize that frontal charges across No-Man's Land aren't going to work and so they develop their own techniques. I'm in the midst of researching the battle right now and came across this Wikimedia Commons image of an old German novel titled Hell Fights at the Aisne River. Cool image, but I won't be using it for my own cover. I want a British soldier, not a German one!

The plan is to alternate between my post-apocalyptic Toxic World series and the Trench Raiders series. I also have some stand-alone works simmering in the back of my mind. This year is going to be a busy one!


Sioux Roslawski said...

Sean--It sounds like the only "traveling" you will be doing is to the office supply store to get more paper, so you can print your manuscripts and revise...

You'll be way too busy writing to travel the world.

I look forward to reading Radio Hope (and the title for the sequel is great).

Rusty Carl said...

A lot going on. Well done on your in-progress works.

Sean McLachlan said...

Sioux: Yeah, not much traveling in the cards this year. :-(
One Beta Reader said "Refugees from the Righteous Horde" was too long a title and perhaps I should just shorten it to "Refugees", which would be punchier. I see what she's thinking but I think it would get lost among many books with similar titles.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.