Wednesday 7 May 2014

Reader News for May 7, 2014

Two of my blogging buddies have books out this month. Jack Badelaire, best known for his popular Commando series of World War Two novels, has dipped into Westerns with his latest. Renegade's Revenge is a 20,000 word novella about two brothers who fought on opposite sides of the Civil War and unite after the end of the war to take revenge on the man who killed their third brother. You can grab it for only 99 cents on Amazon. If it's like his other fiction, expect fast-faced writing and plenty of action.

Also, Hart Johnson has released Rescue Squad, Book 9 of her A Shot in the Light post-apocalyptic thriller series. Or as she describes it, "an Apocalypse Conspiracy Tale about what happens when people play God for fun and profit." The whole series was originally projected to run for ten installments of approximately 100 pages each. Hart knows how to hit that word count!

Have any news to share? Email me at the address shown on the left-hand column of this blog. The news can be about writing, history, archaeology, adventure travel, etc. You know what I cover in this blog, so if it's at all related, send it along to the email on the sidebar to the left.

1 comment:

Roland D. Yeomans said...

My best wishes for Jack and Hart to have high sales for their books. Thanks for visiting my blog! :-)

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.