Thursday 10 July 2008

Getting Plagiarized

On my other blog, Grizzled Old Traveler, I talked about plagiarism at the White House press office, and wondered if I've ever been plagiarized. Well, not two hours after posting that entry I found out that I have! Some idiot on LiveJournal cut and pasted the entire July issue of Newbie Writers onto his blog.

What an idiot. Just because something is freely available on the internet doesn't mean you can copy it. The newsletter isn't even on the webpage, but only available through a free subscription, so he's obviously a subscriber. Well, a certain "newbie writer" needs to educate himself before he gets sued. Not only did he violate the copyright of the newsletter editor, but he violated my copyright and that of all the other contributors. Both the editor and I have filed abuse reports to LiveJournal.

Interestingly enough, I can't provide you a link to Idiot's post because that would be aiding and abetting a breach of copyright, and therefore would open me up to getting sued too. Plus I wouldn't want to subject you to his insipid prose and atrocious poem about erectile dysfunction. No, I'm not making that last bit up. I really, truly wish I was, but I'm not.


Minnette Meador said...

Too funny, Sean...Maybe that's his problem. You know, needs help to raise his own...standards. Good luck with your complaint. I think their pretty good over there. BTW, sorry I've been out of touch...too damn many deadlines...M:)

Sean McLachlan said...

Hi Minnette,

You're probably right. Well, that flaccid "writer" is going to get a really stiff response from me!

Glad to hear you have lots of deadlines; that means lots of work! Keep us informed through your blog.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.