Sunday 26 January 2014

Radio Hope blurb (Version 3.1)

Three out of three Spanish astronomers enjoyed reading Radio Hope!

OK, I think I got it now, thanks to D.G. Hudson.

In a world shattered by war, pollution and disease. . .
A gunslinging mother longs to find a safe refuge for her son.
A frustrated revolutionary delivers water to villagers living on a toxic waste dump.
In humanity’s last city, the assistant mayor hopes he will never have to take command.
One thing gives them the promise of a better future--Radio Hope, a mysterious station that broadcasts vital information on surviving in a blighted world. But when a mad prophet and his army of fanatics march out of the wildlands on a crusade to purify the land with blood and fire, all three will find their lives intertwining, and changing forever.


D.G. Hudson said...

The blurb looks good, I like the way you gave it a positive aspect. I look forward to interviewing you in February about Radio Hope.

Rusty Carl said...

Great improvement. Of course, I never could have spotted it on my own, but in retrospect, good catch there by DG.

Anonymous said...

Sounds really interesting.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

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