Sunday, 23 October 2016

I'm Starting a Newsletter!

I'm finally starting a newsletter. Yes, it's one of the things in an author's toolbox that I've been lacking. The first issue of Sean's Travels and Tales will come out in a week's time. I plan to have it come out every two months or so, and each issue will include a travel article, a short story, announcements for any new books, and a coupon for a free or discounted book.

Issue #1 contains an article on "The Lamest Snake Charmer Ever" and a short story from my Toxic World series called "Movie Night at $87,953", which as fans of the series know, is the most popular bar in the apocalypse. Read on if you want to find out the origin of the weird name.

So click on this link to sign up to my newsletter. I promise not to share your email with anyone, because that's a sure way to tank my career!

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Good stuff! I'm still lacking a newsletter as well. At least we started one for the IWSG.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.