Saturday, 6 January 2024

My Writing Year: A Look Back and a Look Forward

The year 2023 was a busy writing year as usual for me. I got a lot of ghostwriting assignments that kept me at the keyboard from New Year's through Christmas. Because of that, I only got two of my own books out, the first two books of The Berlin Murders. A Winter Murder in Berlin introduces a new series in which a German-American visits Germany in 1929 during the wild Weimar Era and gets caught up in a murder. A Springtime Murder in Berlin sees her on the case again solving a second mystery.

So far the series is doing well. I'm writing a book for each season, with an epilogue that happens in 1945. It's been a lot of fun to write, with lighter moments and a dark thread through it all. You can't really write about that era and avoid the darkness!

What the readers didn't see were the other books I've been working on. Cordelia Cracks the Case is now with the beta readers. It's part of my popular series The Masked Man of Cairo and follows the solo adventures of one of the minor characters who deserves more page time. That should come out in March.

I'm also halfway through a science fiction trilogy called Tech Scavengers, which is about far-future archaeologists trying to restore a galactic civilization after a cataclysmic fall. I'm going to have a rapid release schedule for those so I'm holding off releasing book one until I have the series mostly complete. Look for those late in 2024.

Coming before then will be The Case of the Disappearing Dervish, Book Six of The Masked Man of Cairo, and A Summertime Murder in Berlin, Book Three of The Berlin Murders. Those will come out in the summer.

Looks like I'm going to have a busy year!

1 comment:

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You have been busy! Rapid release for that one series is a smart idea.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.