Tuesday 8 April 2008

Great Writing Advice

The blog Chicks of Creation (don't you love the name?) just did an interview with fantasy/romance author Minnette Meador in which she gives a lot of good advice. It's a long interview, but make sure you get to the end where she lists eight things a writer must do to be successful. My favorite is "Don't rely on the muse to help you. . .art is a lazy, drunken sod and it's up to you to move it along." Well said!


Chicks of Characterization said...

Hi Sean, thanks so much for linking our blog to yours, we've gotten quite allot of traffic! Ms. Meador did give some great advice! Thanks again!

Minnette Meador said...

Sean - Thanks so much for posting this...I've been up to my ears in deadlines, but wanted you to know how much I appreciate your support. Minnette :)

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

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