Thursday, 1 January 2015

My Writing Year: A Look Back And A Look Forward

Happy New Year to all of you who use the Gregorian calendar! I just got back from Tangier, where today is just another day except for all the fireworks on the news. I had a nice two-week writing retreat that I'll tell you about in the next post. Right now it seems like a good time to take stock of my writing career and where I'm going.

As I predicted in a year-end post last year, 2014 was my fiction year. I published four novels and two novellas, evenly split between my Toxic World post-apocalyptic series and my World War One Trench Raiders action series. I also wrote some short stories and got a couple accepted.

Nonfiction has been doing OK as well. I'm currently under contract for another military history book with Osprey Publishing, done pretty well with getting writing gigs on Elance, and broke into a couple of new magazine markets. Being a full-time freelancer is always a struggle, though.

So what's in store for this year? I'll be publishing at least two novels in each series, as well as a long-awaited sequel to A Fine Likeness, my Civil War horror novel. There will be a few other goodies coming down the pike too.

I also need to get in gear with promotion. I have yet to figure out how to market my books effectively. This sort of thing doesn't come naturally to me, and I don't want to be "that guy" who's always flogging his books. As a result, I tend to remain more quiet than I probably should. Any advice along those lines would be highly appreciated.

For my writer friends out there, how did your year go? What will you do different in 2015?

Happy New Year!!!


Jack Badelaire said...

Posted my own year in review yesterday. I'm very impressed with your output, and I think you're right - you need to find a better way to market yourself. It's a tough gig, and you don't want to inundate people with pushy posts/tweets/emails, but in order to sell, you need to be seen...

Roland D. Yeomans said...

You've done quite a bit last year, considering all the traveling you do!

Yes, like you, I have a hard time hawking my books. But if you do not do that, they just gather cyber-dust.

I am currently writing a sequel to my THE LAST SHAMAN -- which ended with the Mayan doomsday prophesy coming true in a strange way. So how to un-Doom the world?

I remind myself that I did it to myself! :-)

May 2015 be a year of really high sales and success as you see it.

Looking for more from Sean McLachlan? He also hangs out on the Civil War Horror blog, where he focuses on Civil War and Wild West history.

You can also find him on his Twitter feed and Facebook page.